
My aim is to make images that evoke feelings. Nature forms a huge part of how I see and feel in the world. How it interacts with the built environment and human kind is key to finding the emotional connections I seek out.

I’ve spent a large part of my photographic life striving to capture the perfect photograph. Tack sharp, with glorious, vibrant colours and infinite detail. These pictures tend to take me out of the image. To steer me toward the object in the image. I am no longer a worthy participant in this scene of beauty.

Today I tend to leave the flaws in the image. I veer toward the graphic black & white. To allow the shadows to hide secrets in their inky blackness. I seek out the grunge. Gritty, grainy pictures where all is not apparent. I seek to draw the viewer in as an active participant in interpreting what is shown and what is not shown. True beauty is to be earned. Constructed in a dance between objective truth and subjective story telling.

A photograph is not of a thing. It is a thing, in and of itself. It holds its own story to be fathomed in the heart of the viewer.